Fighting for schools, kids and lower energy costs
First on my list is the creation of the Inspector General.
We built a very balanced budget and I'm very proud of the budget that we built, but once the money
is released, we have no idea of how well it's being spent, so I think it is really important that we have
someone on oversight, watching where those dollars go.
Other legislation includes a bill known as "Kids' Code, to protect children when they are online.
Another priority is a guarantee of regional transportation in the Chariho School District.
I like to compare us and Central Fall . Central Falls is one square mile, whereas Chariho is 120 square miles. Our kids don't have the luxury of walking to school, and this is not a guaranteed payout from the state every year, so potentially, our school districts have to build a budget and hope for the best.
I also support a 6% bonus for regional school districts, school policies for students' behavioral health issues, increasing the tac credit for disabled and senior residents from $35,000 to $50,000 and increase the tax rebate from $500 to $850.00.
Another goal is a tax credit for forestry workers.
The average age in that industry is probably 65, We need some young folks to get in there and start working in there, that live in Rhode Island. We have a lot of outsource work.
I am also working on the formation of a commission to study utility costs.
What we can do, as a body, to reduce energy costs - not just capping profits.